STRIP POKER INSTRUCTIONS For Strip Poker & BlackJack RAPTURE INTERACTIVE There are two basic requirements for learning how to play Strip Poker. You must learn how to play PokerÉ and you must learn how to strip. We will explain both: ¥HOW TO PLAY POKER Five card Draw Poker is one of the greatest and most popular card games created. Five cards are dealt face down to each of the players. Based on the cards weight and relation to each other, one, two, three, or none of the cards are "discarded" and replaced with new cards. There are various groupings of cards that a player can end up with, and there is a heirarchy to determine which players grouping is of highest weightÉ but we get ahead of ourselvesÉ let's take it one step at a time. Strip Poker from RAPTURE INTERACTIVE starts out with the "Ante" of Five Dollars ($5). The Ante is the amount of money that each player must put into the pot to be a member in that round of play. Because there are only two players in our game, the Ante is automatic. Next you are dealt your first five cards. These cards are sorted by power. A two is least powerful, and an Ace is most powerful. After you look at your cards, you are asked to make your first bet. Use the arrows on the right side of the screen, or the bet menu to place your bet. Because you start the betting, you can bet anything you like up to the maximum bet of $100. To Fold, push the down arrow until the word "FOLD" appears in the window. Folding gives up and automatically awards the win and the pot to the Computer. The Computer then has three options. If may fold, awarding you the pot, it may call, or it may raise. If the computer raises then you are obliged to either call her bet by moving the up arrow to the point when your bet meets her bet, raise by moving the up arrow until your bet is greater than hers, or fold. If you raise then the computer has a chance to call, raise, or fold againÉ and so on until either you or the computer calls. The maximum bet is $100, and you are forced to call or fold when the bet reaches this point. Once you and the computer settle the betting by reaching an equal bet, the computer will ask you to discard your unwanted cards. You can do this by clicking on the card you don't want and turning it over. Up to three cards can be turned over at once. If you have turned three cards over and would like to turn an additional card over you must first turn one of the cards you have turned over upright again. Once you have finished selecting your unwanted cards hit ok. All cards that are face down will be discarded and new cards will be dealt to replace them. Your cards will again be sorted and you will be asked to make another bet. Follow the same procedure that you followed the first time you made a bet. The starting bet is reset to five dollars ($5), and the maximum bet is again $100. If you would like to fold, hit the down arrow until "FOLD" appears. After you have made your second bet and the computer has called or you have called the computers raise you will be shown the computers cards and the computer will determine who has the winning hand. The heirarchy of cards, in order from greatest to least powerful is as follows: *Straight Flush - Five Cards of the Same Suit and Straight. The lowest Straight Flush is 2¥3¥4¥5¥6 and the highest, called the "Royal Flush," is 10¥J¥Q¥K¥A. The higher the Straight Flush the higher the weight. *Four Of A Kind - there are no Jokers in Strip Poker so the highest grouping of the same card is four of a kind. Four of a kind is weighted by what there are four of. *Full House - Three of A kind and two of a kind at the same time. The weight of a full house is judged by it's triplets, and then it's doubles so a 3¥3¥3¥2¥2 beats a 2¥2¥2¥A¥A. *Flush - Five cards of the same Suit. Flushes are weighted by the highest card in the flush. *Straight - five cards in a row. The order of the cards is: 2¥3¥4¥5¥6¥7¥9¥10¥J¥Q¥K¥A. Strip poker does not allow you to play the ace as a low card. The higher the Straight the higher the weight. *Three Of A Kind - three cards of the same number. Three of a kind is weighted by whatever there are three of. *A Pair - two of a kind. Two aces beat two kings and so on. *Nothing - exactly what you think it is. Nothing at all. There is a high card, however, and this is how ties are broken if both people have nothing special. Save those Aces!!! In case of ties, there is always something else to fall back on. If both people have 6¥6¥6¥6¥J then the suit of the sixes will decide. The order of the suits for Strip Poker is Hearts, Diamonds, Clubs, Spades, but the odds of resorting to this is very slim. When there are more than one stray card, for example in cases where there is a pair tie, for example 3¥3¥A¥K¥Q and 3¥3¥A¥K¥J, the queen decides the tie. It is really not that important to know how close ties are decided because the computer will do all of the figuring for you, and ties are rare. If you have any more questions about poker, or are interested in the strategy of the game, we strongly recommend Poker Strategy and Winning Play by A. D. LivingstonÉ the man understands poker!!! (See End Of This Instruction Screen). ___________________________________________________ ¥HOW TO STRIP The idea behind Strip Poker is incredibly easy to understand: You want to get the other player naked. We at RAPTURE INTERACTIVE felt that the idea of computer money was pretty ridiculous, because no matter how much you win, you'll have a hard time trading them in for a Big Mac from a local McDonalds. So we threw in Cindy. The idea of seeing her in the buff is many things, but certainly not silly. You'll be trading in your funny money for her clothes as you play, so the money is simply a way of keeping track of winning. If you don't like the idea of trading in money for clothes, you have bought the wrong program. Heres how it works: You each start with an amount of money (easy: $250, fair: $500, Hard: $1000, Real Hard: $2000). When either you or her run out of money, you trade a piece of clothing to get all of your starting money back. If a player has lost clothing, and their opposition looses all of his/her money, then you get to put a piece of clothing back on. In other words: this is kill or be killed Strip Poker. Only one person will be missing clothing. The other person will be fully dressed. For example: You are playing on the"Hard" setting. You both have all of your clothing on and you keep winnig until you have $2000 and she has $0. She will take off her shirt and the pots will equal $1000 again. If you get $2000 again, she takes off her pants. If she gets $2000 then she earns back her shirt. If she gets another $2000 after that, then you take off your shirt. PLAY NICELY AND TAKE OFF YOUR CLOTHES WHEN THE COMPUTER TELLS YOU TO. NOBODY LIKES A CHEATER!!!! Cindy has five pieces of Clothing. They are: ¥Shirt ¥Shorts ¥Teddy ¥Bra ¥Panties If you have any other questions about the stripping part of this game we have just one suggestion: Play to win. you look really funny sitting naked infront of your MAC!!! ___________________________________________________ ¥Glossary Ante- The amount of money that each player must put into the pot at the beginning of a round of play. In our game it is five dollars ($5). Bet (yours)- Your bet is the fourth number down on the right side of the screen. The maximum bet is $100. Bet (computers)- The computers bet is the second number down on the right side of the screen. Flush- Five cards of the Same Suit Fold- Give up and give the pot to the computer. This is a decent strategy when you have a bad hand and the computer is raising a lot. You don't want to get drawn in to a high stakes round with a bad hand. Pot- The Amount of money that the winning player recieves. Made up of the Ante, Bets and raises. The pot is the third number down on the right side of the screen. Straight- Five cards in a row (2¥3¥4¥5¥6) Suit- There are four suits: Hearts, Diamonds, Spades, and Clubs. Each card belongs to one of the suits and bears its representation on the front of the card.